I first observed these slides the previous evening (3/1) from Copper. There was a concentrated "mini-cycle" in the basin around Bull Trout point. I expected to see more a slab or two similar to the ones on Bull Trout in the terrain around Copper and to the south, but I did not see any. A few options for why: 1: weak layer was better developed around Bull Trout (this seems unlikely based on my previous obs). 2. This area has a great fetch for SW/W winds and this helped to slightly increase loading here (seems like the most likely reason, though lots of the copper terrain has a good fetch for SW/W wind as well). 3. the amount of ski and sled traffic around copper and south was enough to interrupt the weak layer somewhat (also seems reasonable). I'd guess some combo of 2 and 3. Either way, the big take home is that the weak snow buried in the upper snowpack has come close to/reached a tipping point here. Time will tell how it behaves as it receives additional loading.