Formed in a single day during cold, sunny weather on 12/17. In almost all locations I’ve seen this it is a true radiation recrystallization crust: melt-freeze polycystal matrix with small, well developed facets above and below. From observations on Durance and Baker Creek: found on SSE-WSW on slopes that were steeper than ~32 degrees. Due to the very low sun angle right now, this crust doesn’t exist until the slope steepens into/above the low 30s… prime-time avalanche terrain.
SS observed in Croy Canyon on W/SW and SW 5600-5800′ on 30-35* slope. Hannes observed it in Narrow Gauge/Deer Creek on solars at mid-elevations.
Suspect that distribution is spottier north of Galena Pass, where the weather was a bit cloudier on 12/17.