We did not encounter any sensitive wind slabs despite walking along a ridge exposed to the predominately S wind. That said, given the mix of wind-scoured surfaces, new snow + wind, and an icy crust I don't doubt they are out there.
It snowed S1-S2 on our tour, tapering by early afternoon. There were spots of blue and even a little sun in the N. Sawtooths on the way home. Some light rain near Red Fish Ck. Hard to say where the rain line was as it was clearing as I drove home. Best guess on Stanley side based on snow in trees is about 7,000'. Snow picked up again at the Pass. HST @ Titus lot was ~5 cm of dense moist snow. Snow turned to rain just past Galena Lodge at about Coyote Ck (~7,100') and oscillated between snow and rain until the SNRA. Mostly rain from the SNRA south but it was also beginning to clear.
One very small dry loose sluff on a steep N-facing slope. It was running on the (3/8) rain crust, peeling the upper ~25 cm of snow from today and Sunday.
HST = 5-15cm with elevation. Today's snow was separated from Sunday's snow by a thin crust up to at least 8,500'. The combined thickness of these snows above the (3/8) rain crust was anywhere from 5-31cm (thicker on shaded aspects, and as we climbed in elevation).
The PWLs produced ECTNs and did not show any obvious signs of instability where we traveled.
NNE, 8,000', HS = 215 cm, subtly wind-loaded slope:
ECTNs in recent snows since Sunday's storm.
ECTN15 and 9, down 31 cm below the (3/8) rain crust.
ECTN24 down 62 cm (likely 1/20), prying on the block produced a clean shear.
Problem | Location | Distribution | Sensitivity | Size | Comments |
Wind Slab |
Unknown | Unknown |
Comments: Not encountered directly. We observed some drifting and found surfaces that were obviously stripped of new snow. |
We planned to avoid obvious wind slabs where we found them, particularly with the uncertainty of how the persistent weak layers near the surface would react to a new load.