A solid overnight freeze locked up the upper snowpack. The morning snowstorm provided some nice light-density snow for some "dust on crust." The lower snowpack on mid-elevation souths was damp but healing up after the heat wave.
A trace of snow was on the ground when we arrived at 0600 hr. Snow continued until mid-day, with the heaviest rates falling in the morning.
We dug one snowpit on a south-facing slope at 8800'. The upper ~30 cm was locked up from the overnight freeze with a rough surface crust and light-density snow on top. The lower snowpack was still damp and didn't freeze up, but it was unlikely to impact those layers. ECTN14 in the upper crusts and ECTX on the mid-March weak layers.
We didn't observe any avalanche problems.
We stuck to low-angle souths for skiability reasons of trying to reduce the dust on crust feel.